My Family and Friends

Hello I m telling you the story about My Family and The Friends. Hope you enjoy this Blog

Friday, December 22, 2006

Correction on Name

Chris White's wife's name is Becky. Wonder how I forgot that. Chris has 3 blood clots in his leg and had to have emegency surgery. Please remember him in prayer.

Prayer Request

Beau Wilson - Elderly in Nursing home with heart problems.
Chris White & his wife (Kim) is 8 months pregnant with his 1st child. They just found out he has Leukemia and is in the Cancer Center at the Baptist Hospital. Kim has a 10 year old also.
Bill Carver - Unspoken Request (Personal God Knows)

Visiting Family and Friends

Mom and I went to see my Aunt Mary (Mom's sister) and attempted to visit two friends in a a Nursing home but could not locate but one.
Aunt Mary looked the best she has looked in a couple of years. She has a lady that comes in for 5 hours a day and helps her take a bath and helps her clean house or whatever she needs. She is a great companion for Aunt Mary. I contribute her looking and feeling better to this lady's great help. Sometimes friendship can be more important than medication.
We went to see Bea Wilson next, she's in a Nursing home. That bothered me. Bea is such a wonderful Christian lady. Her husband was an orphan and lived with dad's family when he was growing up. He wasn't a foster kid, that was before that. He just stayed where anyone would let him. He died about Ten years ago. I think Beau's hearing is going or her mind one. She was slow to respond and seemed like she wasn't focusing right. Maybe is was medication. I hope so. I pray I am able to take care of my parents I don't want them to never have to go to a place like that. Not while they are in their right mind. I wonder if that could be Bea's problem her room-mate has Alzheimer's Disease. I wonder if Beau is not getting enough healthy inaction with people and could be causing her to get depressed and confused. LOL Oh listen to me trying to figure things out. I know it isn't my job, God has a reason for everything and it all works in the full scheme of life. For some reason I just want to get in there and figure out why and is more often than not, no reason. (at least not for us to know)
Mom and I had a great day. We ate at Fire Mountain. I had pinto beans, lima beans, and Great Northern beans, Cole slaw, corn bread and ribs. I won't mention the desserts. Does that tell you how much I love beans LOL
I got home to find Brittany's friend Elisa Mitchell was spending the night. She is a good kid her and Brittany have been friends since 1st grade and now they are in 5th grade now. Anyway Bill told me that her step father is in the Cancer Center at the Baptist Hospital in WS. They just found out he has Leukemia and is given him a 50-50 chance. Her mother is 8 months pregnant and has the Flu. So her Grandma was trying to watch her and help her Mom and visit with her son-in-law. So looks like Elisa will stay with us probably until Christmas Eve. Probably a lot more after that. It's so sad because Chris is a nice guy he don't look but about 25. I guess he is older but don't know for use. This family needs all the prayers they can get. Sometimes, I wish I had more money to help people. There are other ways to help. Like now watching Elisa is a great relief to her Mom. Sometimes just visiting a nursing home even if you don't know anyone and talking to people, or helping feed patients is a great help. Some people in Nursing homes have no family to visit them.
I hope to start visiting and volunteering in Nursing homes.
Please remember this family in Prayer, I don't know his last name but God knows who you'll be prayering for. Smile. Also I am thankful to God for my own health has improved so much. It's amazing. The kidney problems are still there but I have more energy and doing more and more everyday. Smile I know has answered my prayers, not in my time but his and I am a wiser woman for the duration of being unable to do much. This time gives me a humble feeling. I pray to be able to relate better with others and their problems.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My Family and Friends

Merry Christmas Everyone

I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I pray everyone is well. We have had the flu in my house. Brittany has recovered very fast with the new medication for flu. I believe it is called Tamaflu. Rebecca has taken it to prevent her from getting sick and so far she is fine.
I am really getting homesick for my TN Children. I can't wait to go see them. I talked to Ryan the other night and he has to be the smartest and cutest child that ever lived. No I am not Bias LOL It's all I can do to keep from driving over there now. LOL I will wait I know they already have their plans made. I will wait until after Christmas.
The weather has really been warm here. I would love to have a white Christmas. That would be so cool. It has been so long since I had a white Christmas I really can't remember. Maybe I should go visit Uncle Jr. In Alaska. Smile. Afraid that is a little too cold.
My wrapping and buying gifts is all complete. I am going over tomorrow and spend the day with Mom and help her wrap her gifts.
I never hear from Jonathan anymore. I will contact him during the holidays. It hurts to have a grandchild that you have trouble being able to visit. Oh well one day at a time, or in my case one minute at a time.
Well I guess this isn't a normal post but I am not the blog Queen. I am still a work in process for everything. God isn't finished with me yet. Smile

Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Cold December Night

It's a cold another cold December night for me. Seems this must be at least 50, I can remember as I think back (notice I didn't say have had, but I can remember). I can remember my parents going out shopping when I was so young
Me sneaking out to the living room to ask my older sister, if I could watch TV with her. Sure she said just get back to bed before Mom and Dad come in. We watched Lawrence Welk (you younger people won't know who that is). I loved to watch them sing and dance and how Lawrence would rock as he conducted the orchestra. It was too cool to be grown and able to dance and sing like that. That is probably the second December memories I have. The first was when my parents took me outside and showed me North Star and told me the story that went with the star. That is why I knew Lawrence Welk was my second because it was shortly after the first.
I remember so many December cold nights. Especially when my boys were little. I was trying to wrap gifts and hide them as they slept. I would take the boys outside starting in December after dark and always point to the brightest star, which was the North Star and telling them the story of that star.
Now on these December cold nights, I can share that same star, that was shared with me and I shared my children, is now shared with my grandchildren too. The brightest star is meaningless without the story that goes with it.
We all know the Great time in History when a King sent his Wise Men to follow that Star. That is just part of the Greatest Story Ever Told.
Isn't it amazing how one star can come to mean so much to so many.
This December Night I have so much to be thankful for. I praise God for Bucky getting a good job in his career field. I praise God for helping me through this month with so little money. I know not why somethings happen when I try so hard. I have certainly learned it is not for me to know. It is in God's hands. It has been in his time. I praise him for the good and stressful times. Later I know I realized the stressful times are when I felt his love stronger than ever.
Merry Christmas to all, Remember to share the North Star with a child that is a memory they will live for a lifetime.