My Family and Friends

Hello I m telling you the story about My Family and The Friends. Hope you enjoy this Blog

Friday, December 22, 2006

Correction on Name

Chris White's wife's name is Becky. Wonder how I forgot that. Chris has 3 blood clots in his leg and had to have emegency surgery. Please remember him in prayer.


  • At 3:37 AM, Blogger *~ Li ~*~ La ~*~ Lo ~* said…

    How's the family doing??

    Love ya, Mary

  • At 12:32 AM, Blogger dorislea51 said…

    They seem to be handling it good. It seems so unreal their new son will be born at the end of the month, but not sure Chris will be here. They are good Christain people and I know that helps. We know if we are saved it is see you later. Not goodbye for good.


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