My Family and Friends

Hello I m telling you the story about My Family and The Friends. Hope you enjoy this Blog

Sunday, October 22, 2006


I just received this from a special cousin and wanted to share it with the women out there.
SISTERS A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot, humid day,drinking iced tea and visiting with her mother. Asthey talked about life, about marriage, about theresponsibilities of life and the obligations ofadulthood, the mother clinked the ice cubes in herglass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober glanceupon her daughter."Don't forget your Sisters," she advised, swirling thetea leaves to the bottom of her glass. "They'll bemore important as you get older. No matter how muchyou love your husband, no matter how much you lovethe children you may have, you are still going to needSisters. Remember to go places with them now and then,do things with them. Remember that 'Sisters' means ALLthe women...your girlfriends, your daughters, and allyour other women relatives and close friends too.You'll need other women. Women always do.""What a funny piece of advice!" the young womanthought. "Haven't I just gotten married? Haven't Ijust joined the couple-world? I'm now a married woman,for goodness sake! A grown-up! Surely my husband andthe family we may start will be all I need to make mylife worthwhile!"But she listened to her mother. She kept contact withher Sisters and made more women friends each year. Asthe years tumbled by, one after another, she graduallycame to understand that her mom really knew what shewas talking about. As time and nature work theirchanges and their mysteries upon a woman, sisters arethe main stays of her life.After more than 75 years of living in this world, hereis what I've learned:THIS SAYS IT ALL:Time passes.........Life happens.........Distance separates......Children grow up.....Jobs come an d go........Love waxes and wanes........Men don't always do what they're supposed to do......Hearts break.........Parents die.........Colleagues forget favors..........Careers end.BUT.........Sisters are there, no matter how much time and howmany miles are between you.A girl friend is never farther away than needing hercan reach.When you have to walk that lonesome valley and youhave to walk it by yourself, the women in your lifewill be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, prayingfor you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf,And waiting with open arms at the valley's end.Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walkbeside you. Or come in and carry your sorry butt out.Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters,daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, mothers,grandmothers, aunts, nieces, cousins, and extendedfamily, they all bless our lives!The world wouldn't be the same without women, andneither would I.When we began this adventure called womanhood, we hadno idea of the incredible joys and sorrows that layahead.Nor did we know how much we would need each other.Every day, we need each other still.Pass this on to all the women who help make your lifemeaningful.Nothing good or bad is going to happen, but you willlet others know how you feel.I just did because I love you all.

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Weekend with the Boys.

My granddaughter Victoria (Tori) was n a Volleyball Tournment this weekend at Stanton VA.
They won one out of three games. Tori is only 13 and on the Varsity Volleyball Team. She was nominated for the All Stars but didn't make it. That's ok it was an honor to be nominated and an honor to be on the team since she is only in 8th grade. Congratulations kid we are proud of you.
So Mary and Bucky went up there and I stayed at their house with Ryan and Justin. Of course Justin was working a lot so I drove him back and forth to work. Just think this time next year he can drive me around. smile. I spent very little time with Justin. What time I did he was sweet. Justin has a new girlfriend she is cute and seems sweet. I hope he keep changing girls this fast and nothing gets too serious for another 10-15 years ha ha
Ryan and I were together all the time we had a blast. We played board games and went to the Park. Went out to Walmart. He watched TV and played games on the computer, and fought with his Hulk (stuffed toy). We also made a cake on Friday and after I noticed Ryan was only eating the frosting, I sat it out on the table Sunday and let him finish the frosting. It was a wonderful weekend of spoiling the grandkid. smile He was really good. He just has the same habit that all the rest have except Tori has. He wants to talk instead of going to sleep and if it means shaking me and saying, "Grandma are you awake" and of course I responded with yes, then he says ok what did I just say. ha. I think they have all done that to me but Tori and Jonathan. Never got the chance with Jonathan and when Tori is ready for bed she wants to go to sleep.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thank God For Freedom

Just thought I would comment on this beautiful day. It is wonderful to wake up in the morning and find out we are still in a free country. I think so many of us have taken our Freedom for granted. We could lose it in a blink of an eye. Everyone needs to get involved and figure out what they believe, if they don't know. Get out and fight for a better government. The best way to fight for a better government is listen all the candidates who are running for election. Decide if you think they value our freedom as much as you do or should. We are intelligent people we don't need to sit back and act like puppets on a string. We must become more vocal with our politicians letting them know what we the people want and demanding that they listen to us.
Get involved in the campaigns, spread & discuss your opinions with others even if you don't agree. You have the right to your opinion. No one should be made to feel by their employer, place of worship or other organizations they are involved in, are majority of one party that they feel pressure to vote that way. We have the right to Free Speech let's Use it.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hello My First Time

Hey folks, I am visiting with Bucky, Mary, Justin, Tori and Ryan in TN now. Seems I never get to visit them enough. The kids are growing up so fast, I can't believe time went this fast for me as a kid. Ha Time just seemed to fly once I hit 30. Of course that was just last year. Smile. This is a picture of me on Mom and Dad's back porch don't ya just love the mops hanging up lol. Frankly I really don't care. My friends and my family accept me as I am, and they know I don't set out to try and impress the world. Having 6 siblings, I consider them my best friends. Our youngest sister died of cancer Nov 12th 2001. She was a great person, intelligent and talented, gifted in so many ways. So are all my siblings. I am the least talented and hey I can play a radio half the time without static. lol

I have been blessed to have to Wonderful Parents. Joseph & Mildred Mitchell. They had 7 children and have done for all of us everything the could and then some. They have 24 grandkids and today a total of 50 great- grandchildren and one on the way.

My Sons Bucky Carver (35) and Billy Carver (33) both married lovely women who bring joy and laughter to their lives and mine as well. I choose to call them daughter of love instead of daughter in law. These girls are not forced on me by law, but won me over through love.
I am proud of my sons being such devoted Fathers and Husbands.
Now for the Grandchildren. Jonathan Dwight Sturgill (Carver) born to Bill and Susan Sturgill.
This has been a rough and rocky road. Jonathan is such a delight but the stress of confrontation with his family has been almost unbearable to endure. One day I pray when Jonathan is old enough to think for himself he will be able to see the truth through the haze of lies and deceptions he has been taught about us. Jonathan is now 15 years old. I love him dearly. He loves to sing and loves watching wrestling.
Justin Lon Carver born to Bucky and Mary Carver now 15 years of age. Justin has been a real joy in my life he is always, he is such a comedian. He brightens my life just seeing him or hearing his voice on the phone. Justin is such an amazing young man. He is very sensitive to others needs and feelings. He is very intelligent and excels in his drawings, and anything he applies himself to.
Victoria Elizabeth Carver (Tori) born also to Bucky and Mary who is now 13 years of age. Tori has always been so independent. Tori has such special qualities. She is sweet and always wanting to be very helpful to others. Tori is deaf like her parents. So now she attends TN School for the Deaf in Knoxville (TSD) and spends most of her time during the week in the Dorm due to Sports practice. Tori is very competitive. She is very determined to show the world she can do anything better than most people. (and she does). Tori is playing Varsity Volleyball for TSD. She is the only 8th grader on the Varsity Team. We are very proud of her.
Brittany Lea Carver born to Bill and Tina Carver is now 10 years old. She is the only grandchild I got to watch being born. It was amazing. It was just sometihing every grandma should be allowed to do at least once. I felt like we bonded as soon as she was born. She is a grandma's girl and always has been. Brittany has such a pure heart. She is a witness for Jesus at such a young age.
Rebecca Marie Carver (Becky closest name her dad could get to his brother and best friend Bucky) born to Bill and Tina Carver now 8 years old. Rebecca keeps us laughing she is a drama queen, a comedian, and Prissy as any girl could ever be. She loves everyone, but she has my stubborn streak. You can sweet talk Becky into anything, you can't force her to do anything. She loves Jesus so much but she still has so many questions. Her and her sister go to church with their great grandparents (Mom-Mom & Pop-Pop). They both think the sun rises in sets in their Mom and Pop and when they get upset they always want to visit them just to get that extra hug they need.

I would like to say that I am blessed that all my grandchildren have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior and have been baptized. They are all intelligent and talented. I am such a lucky Grandma.

Ryan Monroe Carver born to Bucky and Mary now 7 years old. What can I say about this little boy. I could talk forever but it isn't fair to the others. He is our miracle child. He is living proof God does heal. Ryan is funny and happy. I honestly think he is the happiest child I have ever seen in my life. He's a clown and keeps us all laughing and talks like an adult (like a professor) lol I really don't think he's ever done a mean thing in his life. ha ha Ryan just confessed to me that sometimes he does bad things. lol Oh if you could see my grandkids thru my eyes you would know that God has blessed me with the best. I love each and everyone so much.

These are older pictures of all the kids but I will update them later with new pictures.